About HFP

Our Mission and Role

Health Federation of Philadelphia promotes health equity for marginalized communities by advancing access to high-quality, integrated, and comprehensive health and human services.

Health Federation of Philadelphia serves as a keystone supporting a network of Community Health Centers as well as the broader base of public and private-sector organizations that deliver healthcare, public health and human services to vulnerable populations. We take a collaborative approach to promoting health by:

  • Improving access to and quality of healthcare 
  • Developing stronger linkages for better coordination of care
  • Identifying, testing and implementing solutions to health disparities
  • Providing training and technical assistance to help other organizations operate more efficiently and effectively to meet community needs 

Our Work

Stemming from our founding in 1983 as a membership organization of Community Health Centers, we continue to partner with our members to improve the quality and accessibility of comprehensive, coordinated primary health care, including behavioral support, for vulnerable populations. We support our members with advocacy, professional and program development, individualized consultation, and opportunities for shared learning. 

Over time, we have developed solutions to unmet population health needs and disparities by identifying and testing new approaches in collaboration with other health and human services organizations, including government health agencies. Our areas of expertise include community-oriented, integrated primary care; quality improvement; health information technology and data management; trauma-informed practice; infectious and chronic disease treatment and control; and early childhood development. Our efforts to improve community health and well-being have been supported by philanthropic institutions and by government agencies such as the Health Resources and Services Agency (HRSA) and Administration for Children and Families.

As our experience in community-based health care has grown, we have increasingly provided professional development and other capacity building technical assistance services that help other organizations operate more efficiently and effectively. We share our knowledge about best practices through customized consulting; we offer administrative and technological support; and we advocate for policies that support our partners’ work throughout the Philadelphia region and far beyond.

Our Funding

Our work is funded in several ways:

  • grants and contracts from government entities and private foundations
  • member dues and payments for shared services
  • fees charged to organizational clients for specific services (e.g., training)

Our direct services to consumers are provided at no charge, because they are all grant-funded. However, in many cases, these services are restricted to specific groups defined by geography or other criteria.

If you are interested in learning more about funding for the Health Federation’s work or in contributing to the work we do, please call 215-567-8001.

HFP Whistleblower Policy

See HFP's Whistleblower Policy